Thom Browne Spring 2014 - New York Fashion week (September 2013)

(Photo's all credit due)

You would be forgiven thinking that Spring 2014 NY Fashion week has delivered a dose of expectation and homogeneous styling of the boring.  Donna Karan (DKNY empire), who can afford to take some 'risks' (risk be used generously as a term for her collection), was able to hold off the majority of conservative, 1950's encroaching fanfare of past regression, with her 1970's and 1980's sex appeal. Yohji Yamamoto is purely a master and thus is untouchable - he is so ahead of the curve it's almost unreal. 

We need a nice offset to the sameness, looks like designer Thom Browne attempted to tip the balance, in which he was obviously in the minority at this year's Spring NY Fashion week.  But in that attempt he topped it, very sophisticated and stylized clothes, absolutely gorgeously crafted, dull yellows (finally) and white all portrayed within a horror setting.  Paradox?  Of course and cleverly done.  This is restrained shock value with comic book pop-culture references.  We all love Harley Quinn right?
