Quote: "CATACLSYMAL" (A.Glass 2017)


The Russians have developed advanced Neutron bombs and Electromagnetic pulse weapons, these weapons were created to offset our Hypersonic missile systems which are precise tactical nuke armaments. Our computer simulations indicate that if there was to be a first strike, we would be able to knock out and destroy eighty percent of the Russian nuclear arsenal in less than thirty minutes. If the Russians were able to calibrate and launch a counter strike or they were able to initiate a first strike, their aim would be to have EMP weapons in place and also Neutron weapons ready to use against us and our allies. From intelligence reports we believe that some of these systems are already in place.”

“As satellites?” Professor Tori asks shaking his head.

“Yes, possibly they have already tested EMPs against non-military satellite systems in orbit, junk, left over from the last fifty years.”


CATACLYSMAL (A.Glass 2017)
