XENOSTRUCTURALISM III catalogue introduction.


Do we live in the Xeno-Structuralist paradigm? It is what we see as the normality of human evolution. Maybe we've created the Lusus naturae? The alien within the divergence.

(CATACLYSMAL. Adrian Glass 2017)


Welcome to the 3rd XENOSTRUCTURALISM catalogue, with added artwork that dates back to 2014 before I coined the idea of XENOSTRUCTURALISM, which, as revealed in the 2nd catalogue the onomastics were derived from my 2017 novel CATACLYSMAL, in which a 'fictional' art manifesto was borrowed and then implemented as an inspirational benchmark for all my artwork. Someone once mentioned to me regarding my artwork and writings, she said, “Your art, is like your writing and your writing is like your art,” and even if this is procured as a complimentary reflection of the two disciplines, it is done without consciously knowing the reasons why, rather as a creative motivation, they are intrinsically part of the same creative noesis. There is a desire to redefine reality and I am fascinated by the worlds between worlds, the sliver, the fracture. Multilevel buildings, constructed next to each other in their similar structure, yet they do not join, separated only by a thin space. It is that place, the void, where the possibilities of a parallel Universe may reside.

My artwork also represents the end and of course, the beginning, that all things must come apart to be rebuilt, renewed and reconstructed. As inspired with this quote by Friedrich Nietzsche's “Dionysian-Dithyrambs” poem (1891):

The wreckage of stars. I built a world from this wreckage

And it is within this Universal chaos, that maybe we shouldn't fear its destructive awe, but rather revel in it, to know and overcome human suffering. And through its meditation creates order within the self, a discipline that is of the mind. The greatest rebellion, in all of our insignificance within the cosmos, is facing indifference, whilst turning our back on the absolute. To live.

Also included with this catalog are all my novels to date, with my last book “KALAS” written in 2020, which are available both in ebook and paperback. And an excerpt from my 2020 article “THE SIMULACRUM OF UTOPIAN DECAY” which was part of the Monuments of architecture and creators of the transcendence series. With a full PDF download link available on the same page as the excerpt.


