"Later that night Elly Jansky is trying to sleep, but it's her wandering thoughts which keep her awake, memories of growing up, her mother, sister. She then thinks of her ex-husband, when they first met how she fell in love. The hurt and betrayal, knowing that he didn't love her anymore, as he was seeing another woman. But didn't tell Jansky until a year later. Her dear friend and lover Jensen Denlas passing away, entrusting her in such an honorable and respectful manner of his rendition of the Alien-Artifact. So beautifully devised and written. Opening her eyes she looks across at her bedside table where her cellphone is, Jansky thinks of Josh Rigel. Remembering the advice from her psychologist. Sitting up right she leans across and picks up the cellphone, she types in Josh's name as a stored number comes up. Without hesitation Jansky quickly types a simple message."


"CATACLYSMAL" (A.Glass 2017)
