After the heaviness of "The Universe" card, the Thoth tarot cards are slowly revealing an ebb and flow of Aleister Crowley's creative conjuring and clearly, at least to me, it shows the flux of Crowley's thinking, and I am being speculative here, could be of the altered states of mind via his intoxication.  And that has to be factored in, respectfully to understand further the intensity of the Thoth cards, their meanings and ultimately the readings, to be devised at the end of this study.

The 9 of Disks "Gain" card was actually pulled randomly after The Universe card, but since these are separate study's and readings, I won't read the cards as two.  Yet, "Gain" shows the flow of Crowley's input in creating a far more passive and relaxed meaning, even when reading the explanation from the Book of  The Thoth.  It feels laid back.  Crowley has fused the Qabalah and astrology symbolism into the card and his fondness for Jewish esoteric mysticism.  That being the Tree of life, The Nine of disks representing the 9th Sephirah, Yesod; which means foundation.  Also, equating to the sexual organs of the male and female, in further Qabalah theory Yesod is the foundation of the world. The astrological symbols atop of the card and below are Venus and Virgo, so the card has a very powerful implication, equating to feminine energy.   Venus (planet) passes from East to West and Virgo (constellation) is South East of the horizon, as the symbolism of the card tilts downward.   The lower the centre of gravity is, the more balanced it becomes, hence the feminine is more defiant under gravity.

Crowley from The Book of The Thoth in relation to 9 of Disks symbolism as a feminine equivalence, says, "Balance of Force in fulfilment".  Which could indicate that this card is sexual in nature.


Balanced from the Yesod, to which all matter rests.  Yet, Venus over Virgo points downward, South of the horizon over the Earthy plane.  Such is the flowing energy of the feminine, from its centre it sits lower than the masculine, thus allowing the elements of the human form to defy nature. Momentary, despite its predicaments.   For this, there is much to learn from "Gain", where  luck may not have been that random.  Did you not conjure within the twilight?  The joining of two, to be one.  The mixing of energy.  And after, you felt that gravity had no effect on you.  The spirit lifted, the fulment of Gain and good fortune completed.  But, be aware that Gain will fade.  Ensure that you do not overstate the energy created, it will degrade very quickly.  And  be wary to not over serve the fulfillment, that has lead to this elation.  If taken for granted, it will become unnecessarily complicated in its renewal.


Foundation, Stabalility, Feminine energy, Power, Lower, Centered, Defy, Nature, Laws, Conjure, Join, Between, Twilight , Two energies as one, Sexual, Transcendence, Spiritual and material fulfilment, Good fortune.   Do not overstate, Humility from good luck, Everything is transient, Complications, Do not take for granted.     


All Thoth Tarot card analysis and readings to date:  chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/search/label/Thoth%20Tarot%20reading

(A.Glass 2023)        
