Excerpt: "CATACLYSMAL" (A.Glass 2017)



“Martial law hasn't been implemented as yet.  See my sarcasm?”  Reddy with his left index finger points to his sardonic grin. 
Jansky chuckles. 
Halelis turns off the projector he then sits down looking at Reddy and Jansky.  “Within the context with what is going on at a geopolitical level we have our basic master-plan here.   Elly will be going to Italy,  there she'll try and make contact with Ivane, one of my colleagues Giovanni Dungano will allow the use of Gran Sasso Science Institute as our base.  Myself and Micheal will begin the media coverage, with an attempt at keeping it more concise.  Which means no ad hoc interviews.  We plan this right so a formulated approach can occur in discussion without the military and government.   We'll try and have a panel discussion or conference in the next few months, hopefully also have Professor Tori be part of that discussion.  And of course Elly, with or without Ivane, you'll have to piece this together...From what Ivane has to say and what you may see, everything will help.  So, back to the original perspective of our plan and in relation to the social media blackouts.  Yes, it is kinda a secret mission.” 
“How exciting,”  Jansky replies. 
“All right lets get busy...” Reddy stands as does his two colleagues.  “...Before World Three starts. No sarcasm face this time,”  he says looking serious.  All three scientists are concerned that any unusual particle readings from the Universe could start a panic.  These new findings and mysterious matter that has formed in the night sky, at the same time with a new Cold War on Earth -  has put all detecting stations both civilian and military on edge. 
“All the more for us to reveal as much to the public about these discoverers...We must have hope,”  Halelis replies"

