"Usually brought on by environments, trauma when they were young and of course genes play a role too. But, it is the brain which, in its development, is shaped and structured too quickly into adulthood. Their traumatic experiences of what they witnessed when they were young causes the stress to be manifested. Any expectation of further trauma, is when they can switch off emotion all together. This is extended to feelings of empathy, love, attachment they have for others, it just becomes devoid. They are essentially, as the are growing up, been built differently to what we see as a so called normal person. But, they are not completely absent of emotion. As Professor Landas clarifies very precisely in his paper. They can, and this is the paradox, at times feel empathy, stress and anxiety. And there is a lot of people who live like this and are stigmatized within the categories of being antisocial."

"Fascinating..." Forster replies looking over the article pages.

"What I and others would like, to see is the removal of this social equality, popular culture regress. That has plagued our media at the moment. More so social media. It is distraction politics, the real concern is not if you are gay or lesbian, trans-gender or a female. To say you feel marginalized in our society. We, as you and I know, living here in San Francisco, is how supportive those communities are, the real marginalized are the what we deem as the secondary sociopaths, the persons viewed as antisocial, but not psychopathic. They are very most of the time isolated and very lonely people. We need to shift away from cheapened psychology to the real concerns of people who have malfunctioned in our society. Not face value fears or over stated prejudices. When the support structures for various social groups are so wide spread. And I prefer to keep this argument at a professional level."

"I agree. So a sociopath can turn emotion on and off."

"For the most part, yes. But, they are trying to figure out their lives. Daily. In some cases, and I have experienced this with patients that I have had in the past. They become exhausted by that process. Deliberately. If the support isn't there, they'll turn to crime, of become further antisocial..."

"To a full blown psychopath."

"That has occurred. I'm attending a conference in Colorado in December, to discuss better screening of low-level antisocial behaviors. To assist in bringing them back into social settings, the further they slip away, the more dangerous it is for our society. Thought you would be interested..." Rachel looks at her watch again. "...I have a patient to see soon."

"Thanks Rachel...Oh, and I forgot to tell you. I have my first client."

"Already? Wow...that's great!"

Forster walks towards the clinical room door, opening it, he then turns and faces his sister.

"Yeah, he's a retired magnetic tape specialist. He has an appointment to see me this Tuesday."

"Take care Dylan, I am always here."

"I know, thanks for the article."

Rachel smiles as her brother leaves her office."


From:  "Born Fatale is the Femme" from THE PRAXIS CONTINUUM (A.Glass 2018)
