China's COVID wave is already ripping through the populace as Chinese authorities are now not reporting any new infections or deaths. With modeling suggesting that China's infections of an under immunized population, could lead to 2 million deaths.

 China could set off another global COVID pandemic as it stubbornly will not taken in masses of mRNA vaccines offered from West, to immunize a very much immune comprised society .  As China's poorly developed vaccine, which was developed for the first first strain, used the 'dead' virus technique akin to the flu vaccine.  That in light of the severalty that COVID poses as an ever mutating, non seasonal virus, the mRNA  is the superior application for a COVID vaccine.   The extreme all open from extreme lockdowns wither shows that China, despite its autocratic system is still very much aligned to populism and now is embracing vaccine hesitancy and antivaccination rhetoric that the West was plagued with and still is during the first waves of COVID-19.

According top, China could peak at 2 Million deaths.  Which would be astounding figure, pleaser refer to the Chart above.   Chinese authorities have ceased all reporting of the current outbreak including deaths, which will throw the rest of the world into dark in regards to the China's COVID contagion.

This would also mean that herd immunity without widespread mRNA vaccines would not be achieved, thus the possibility of a more virulent strain evolving from China's COVID waves.
