“Whilst looking down at a small pile of cocaine, with her right hand she begins to chop the fine white powder with a razor blade on a black granite square plate, cutting the coke into two lines, placing the blade down she the lifts up a small metal tube with same hand, inserting into her right nostril, leaning her head down she snorts the line in one swift movement, placing the tube down, sitting upright with her left index finger, pushing it against her left nostril so it closes, whilst sniffing up the residual of coke left within her right nose. She divides the remainder of coke into a small line, as Camila Adalyn sitting opposite her friend, pushes her chair forward.

I was bored and even more bored at the conference. Couldn't wait to leave.” Lifting up the metallic tube with her left hand, leaning forward, with her dark brown hair tied back in a pony tail, snorts the white line of coke. Sitting upright, Camila with her right index and middle fingers squeezes the right side of her nostril down, whilst snorting the residual coke still lining the inside of the tube. Placing the tube back down onto the table, as both women smile at each other as the begin to feel the effects of the cocaine.

So, how did the audition go?” The woman sitting opposite Camila asks, as she unclips her blond hair, allowing it to fall to her shoulders.

Camila shakes her head in a dismissive way. “Nerve wreaked. Y'know Audrey, I forgot my fucking lines, ten minutes before my call to audition...” Camila taps with her right index finger down onto the granite plate were there is only residual amounts of white powder left. Mixing it around with the tip of her finger and drawing up the remainder, she rubs it onto her upper gum. “...Thankfully this stuff kept me sharp. So, yeah, I think it went all right.”

Audrey checking her appearance in a small hand held mirror, folds it shut. “So what's the part?”

I am punk, like a fan of some band that has come into town.”

Come?” Audrey smiles, as both women begin to laugh.

Well it ain't a porno...” Camila says, trying to hold back the laughter. “But,...” She holds up, in simulated way, both of her breasts through her dark blue blouse. “...Apparently I gotta get naked in a few scenes.”

So, this Professor, you're date for the night. Hence, you went to his speech today.”

Well, it's not a speech, more like a talk...But, I was, like I said, bored outta my mind, I mean if you are interested in that stuff. Still, he wanted me to attend and I didn't want him to be disappointed.”

Of course, he's buying dinner for you and hopefully drinks,” Audrey replies as both women stand.

Camila crosses her left index and middle finger, whilst leaning forward tilting her head in a coy manner.

And we both get some desert.”


"I have just completed my 6th paperback novel titled "Evenfall of the Helical", which is my most personal, spiritual, dark and powerful book to date, melding my interest in
metaphysics, the occult and science.  From Hell State to Healing and its Realizations, incorporating all my studies of left hand Eastern spiritual teachings from iconoclastic Zen to Esoteric Buddhism, through to Western symbols of occultism."
