Twitter under Elon Musk revs up COVID misinformation overkill. While China could become the most infected country on the planet, ripe for a new and possibly deadlier COVID variant to evolve. Could 2023 be the year of COVID 2.0?

China's disastrous and extreme turn around from COVID lockdowns to an all-out-open no restrictions, mixed with their actual shutdown of all COVID reporting which seems to be following a distorted version of the West's 'living with the virus', that was achieved solely on the back of widespread immunizations via the mRNA vaccines and herd immunity.  Despite the fact that the Western country’s do face a challenge with being behind the curve in updating its boosters for the COVID variants. Unfortunately, misinformation is very much alive and well on Twitter, Youtube and other social media feeds, which maybe reinforcing the hesitancy of Chinese populace who believe in alternatives to the mRNA vaccines and the Chinese COVID vaccine, such as lemons, peaches and herbal remedies. Much like the idiocy of right wing conspiracy theorists touting malaria and horse/human parasitical drugs to combat the virus. Worst, is the social Darwin construct that extreme right and autocratic governments lean towards, which implies that if you are elderly, overweight, immune compromised, bad diet etc, the death rate of the virus is justified.

Above Chart show's the spike in COVID misinformation after Elon Musk's paleolibertarian messy takeover of Twitter, while he shutdowns and/or sacks the misinformation checking moderators.  

In reference to China's COVD epidemic.  Will we all in 2023 face another major global COVID pandemic?
