from the chiasmus Archive: Rick Owens men's Fall 2016 – MASTODON. Paris Fashion week 2016 (January 24th 2016.)

Dead cities and their ghosts.  The rise and fall of civilizations and what is left are the archaeological reminders.  Concrete structures beneath the ruins.   A cacotopia in all it’s   bleakness is represented with this collection, again, Rick Owens shows the mastery of presentation and identifying his style.  Cannot stress how important that is in creating an impression.    Very dark and sombre affair, but minus the quintessential overuse of black, rather dark browns, grays, off whites from heavy layered and padded garments to Owens iconic sleeveless tops.  A deconstruction and patch work of concepts.  Remodeling what has already occurred, re-shaping with what you have.  Days of excess are gone.  A distorted future, broken, all the while the harsh realities and spectra of death are cast.


(A.Glass 2016)
