Quote: "THE MIND INSIDE THE WORLD" from the Paradox of the Locus (A.Glass 2016)


"The Magnorail weaves through the Sub-Levels of the city, ascending deeper as it bypasses the upper subway routes, moving closer to Loren's apartment building which is twenty minutes away from Doctor Sandra Peterson's office. She looks up at the TV screen.

Invest now in Astro-Mining cybernetics, an investment that is credited back to you on a monthly basis. Scour the moons of Saturn, from a Virtual Reality interface you can see your personalize robot preform its duties. Mine rare compounds: Lithium, Iron Ore or the elusive Helium 3. If you are daring enough send your cybernetic miner to Jupiter or Saturn and find the rare diamonds floating in their atmospheres. The adventure begins now!” The clip ends with the music repeating a chorus of the company’s name and its logo “...Astro-Mining the future is now, Astro-Mining wealth in our time...” Ending with the company legal protocol. “All resources, commodities and mining prospects that includes diamonds, gold and other precious materials are solely owned by Astro-Mining, monthly re-credit of investment will be only fixed income and reliant on performance of cybernetic-mining systems. VR interface will be paid and owned by the investor.

Loren hears her data-sync chime, noting her next appointment scheduled with the Neuro-Psychologist, confirming the appointment, she slides the thin like cellphone back into her inside jacket pocket. She then looks outside the train window at the flash of neon lights encased within this concrete labyrinth. Suddenly she feels the train slowing down, looking back up at the screen above her an announcement appears at the same time accompanied by a voice over."


"PARADOX OF THE LOCUS"  (A.Glass 2016)
