Quote: "Satran Kaevon" (A.Glass 2017)



"Desert Storm"


"We got movement just beyond the ridge...near the main road," Corporeal Sam Thomson says, as he quietly moves back down from peering up beneath the dug out. He passes the night vision binoculars to Sergeant Daniel Feldstein, who props himself up as he carefully looks through the canopy opening.

"Goat herder...On the right, moving this way...Unarmed..." Feldstein peers through the binoculars panning left and right for any other possible threats. "...No other movement." He ducks back down into the dug out as he looks at his team, handing the binoculars to his corporal again, pointing to the top of the canopy. His corporal nods and resumes observation. "We are here for observation and reconnaissance, not combat...if we can avoid it. We are in Iraq as you know, deep behind enemy lines, this area is not secure. Our purpose is not too engage with the enemy. However the mission, as you are aware, is to watch that road and report any troop movement heading into and out of Baghdad. We call in the air strike, we're their human trip wires…" Corporeal Thomson quickly looks down at Feldstein, aware of what his Sergeant is about to say next. "...The problem is, the area was not meant to have a civilians close by, they've fucked up the maps…" He leans his head down, holding his right hand to his forehead, closing his eyes, Feldstein then peers up at the night sky through an opening in the canopy. "...We're in the wrong location for the mission." Feldstein quickly looks at his watch "...it will be four hours till dawn."

"Sir we got movement, vehicles moving in from the south, they look like military," Corporeal Thompson says, as he hands the binoculars to Feldstein.

"Shit!...A Scud missile system and support. Come on pass by…" Feldstein says, hoping that they don't set up launch so close to the what appears to be a small village. He watches closely at the Russian made MAZ launcher and the small jeep in front, as it slows down, left of the Green Berets dug out – to the right of the special forces unit is a Bedouin village which consists of a few small primitive houses."
