Moodboard: "Starfish Prime" nuke test in Space. 1962. Reading: "Cataclysmal" (A.Glass 2017)


("Starfish Prime" 1962 thermonuclear detonation in space.)

Have you seen the news?

“No,” she replies, opening her laptop and attaching Professor Tori's report to Haelis's email.

An American bomber, most probably Nuke armed, flew off course, was heading for Japan...The 'official' excuse is they had lost SATCOM and its satellite transponders didn't indicate that is was flying over Japanese airspace.

Jansky sends the email with Professor Tori's paper to her colleague. “We better get moving on establishing a global acknowledgment of this Alien...” She thinks of the term Dark Emission Voids as now an inappropriate description for this massive object heading towards our Solar System “...Artifact. If it emitting intense particle disbursements within the electromagnetic spectrum. By error, it could set off a conflict here on Earth.”

You’re right, both Micheal and I are setting up a conference with Russian and Chinese physicists tomorrow...I've received the email with Ivane's paper, thanks,” Haelis replies, as Jansky standing above her laptop brings up the news story of the B52 bomber that flew onto Japanese airspace. “This is not good Chris...You ever hear about the Aurora Borealis story during the first Cold War?” She continues looking at the news article.

Yeah, nearly set off World War Three. You're seeing comparisons...”

Absolutely, nineteen sixty two...” she studies the article. “...U2 spy-plane leaving for a mission from Eielson Air Force Base...How ironic, the B52 that was flying off course was also heading to Eielson, anyway...The pilot was using star chart navigation, ascends into an extremely bright Aurora Borealis. Can't see the stars for directional navigation, flies off course ends up in Russian airspace...It's amidst the Cuban missile crisis and everyone was a trigger happy nuke ass-wipe.


"CATACLYSMAL" (A.Glass 2017)
