"Evenfall of the Helical" (A. Glass 2022)

"I have just completed my 6th paperback novel titled "Evenfall of the Helical", which is my most personal, spiritual, dark and powerful book to date, melding my interest in metaphysics, the occult and science.  From Hell State to Healing and its Realizations, incorporating all my studies of left hand Eastern spiritual teachings from iconoclastic Zen to Esoteric Buddhism, through to Western symbols of occultism.  Whether this is seen as a plug or not, I won't describe the book in anymore detail as the publication, although it is available to purchase, has to settle into its own resonation, which I can't disturb until it's ready for further discussion..."  https://chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/2022/05/gucci-resort-2023.html

