Excerpt: "The Universe, Sex and its attribution of Parallel Worlds" from the novel THE PRAXIS CONTINUUM (A.Glass 2018)

"...as an email from his astrophysicist colleague has been received.  Opening the attachments, he sees an artistic rendering of the asteroid which also includes a three dimensional animation of its shape spinning, calculated by astronomical observations, as it entered our solar system.  Leaning forward, Koso peers to the right of his monitor as from that angle he can view the kitchen window, noting his cat sitting upon the window ledge, as the sound of rain and thunder have stopped.  The storm, has now passed.   He leans back into his chair, looking at the simulation of the rare asteroid now named Zakar.


"She has stabilized, blood pressure and vitals are all normal,"  the nurse says, as the Doctor looks over the young woman resting on the hospital bed. "Ok, thank you."  The nurse walks away to attend other patients within the hospital ward as the Doctor continues looking at the woman.   Checking the patient's notes via the clip board attached to   the bed.  Noticing that her eyes are half open, the Doctor studies the vital sign monitors, confirming with the nurse's observation, that the woman's vitals are all in the normal ranges. "My name is Dr Carl Bergen, I'm a trauma specialist.  We treated you last night when you were brought in by paramedics.  They found you on Lower East side.  Initial diagnosis was of a brain trauma..."  The woman opens her eyes, which are of a greenish hazel, charismatic dark eyebrows, angular and defined features.  With a small scar which runs under her left cheek bone.  Cropped short blond hair.  A intriguing appearance, distinctive and appealing.  She begins to prop her self up, as Dr Bergen leans forward and places a pillow behind her back.  "...We noticed that you don't have an address or identification...Are you homeless?"


