TESLA slumps into a 10% correction, closing in on a 20% bear market for its share price. Shanghai TESLA factory halts production on supply chain issues. Musk's margin loan cut in two for Twitter acquisition, now connected to an equity partnership with fellow billionaires. TESLA now in the crosshairs of Hedge Funds.

(Chart 1)

(Chart 2)

TESLA blows up April 2022 short positions, as noted above, then gets blow apart by short positions again in May 2022 (Chart 2) with the pane window below showing short interest picking up.  Attributed by three things: higher yields, high U.S. Dollar and now the Shanghai plant halting production on supply issues.    On an monthly chart, TESLA has slid into a 10% correction and close to a 20% bear market share price, that has mentioned in this post, may affect Elon Musk's, TESLA CEO, Twitter acquisition.  But, despite Musk cutting his margin loan in two buy creating equity partnerships, he still owes $6 Billion +, on collateral backed loans from various banks, with the debt attached to his TESLA holdings.  Messy huh?  

