Moodboard/s: March 21, 2022 and July 12, 2023. QUOTE: "LUCIFER" FINAL ISSUE #75 (MIKE CAREY)

(My copy above.  Cover art by Christopher Moeller, so good.  The clearer picture above shows Lucifer turning his back on the City, whilst flicking a cigarette towards Hell below.  As he leaves both planes.)

I have the whole collection of the 'Lucifer' comics, although missing a few here and there.  But, I do have this last issue (#75), when Lucifer decides to leave Hell and venture on into the Void.  Refer to writer Mike Carey's magnificent quote which appeared in this issue:

On into the void he flies, unafraid.  There is nothing in mere absence that can cow him.  Or loneliness.  Or the lack of maps and charts.  For he is his own path.  And he sees by his own light.  We watch him from a great distance.  From a vantage point no less subjective, no less absolute.  And so it's hard to tell whether he imposes himself on the emptiness, or becomes it.   

Such a good piece of writing.  

I would've loved to have had the opportunity to write a "Lucifer: Morningstar" comic.


(all A.Glass moodboard/s to date)
