moodboard: Pieces of what was left of the The Colonial Mutual Life building, built in 1897 at the height of the Victorian gold rush in neo-gothic style, when Melbourne City was one of the largest cities in the world. It was demolished in 1960, within the boom of post-world War Two gentrification kicking in, and prefabrication was galore ala the 1950s template to redeveloped Western cities. Thankfully this ceased in the 60s and 70 when cities globally went bankrupt. Albeit, it has revved up again on piles of debt, global cross flows of liquidity, people and greed.

You can't just demolish the past with a brutal resolve, it must be released with respect.  And then forgotten.  Thus, in our current turmoil, the spectras of suffering haunt the arrogance. 

These chunks of granite are incredible, so powerful.  

The Colonial Mutual Life building (circa late 1940s), and what replaced it in 1960.  Corner of Elizabeth Street and Collins Street.

The entrance (circa late 1940s). 
