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For all previous posts, please refer:
- Police outside Union Station in Washington DC, dispersing the crowd of Palestinian/Free Gaza supporters decrying why America is allowing a War Criminal address Congress.
- The U.S. Congress hosted its First Dictator Fascist justifying his country's genocide on the Palestinian people, this is what he sounded like:
- Fascist and Zionist extremist, Benjamin "War Criminal" Netanyahu delivered to Congress, the most firebrand laced and extreme Right Wing speech, within that so called beacon of democracy, Washington has ever seen. With America descending further and further towards the Hard Right, was not a surprising feat. With paleolibertarian conspiracy theorist (with his mythical Left Wing hysteria intact, which has paid off in the end, to pave the way for his Crypto Futurist Utopia) and Billionaire conman, was also in attendance. Netanyahu's speech used the same exact catchphrases "Civilization" and "Barbarians" (underlined below) that Benito Mussolini used in his infamous 1935 radio speech justifying Fascist Italy's invasion of Ethiopia. To transform Barbarians into Civilizations has always, throughout history of colonial Fascism, ended up in a genocide. Netanyahu's is actually more frightening, with his overuse of the word "civilisation", mixed with the Trump phrase of "get the job done" for Israel to drop 2000 lb bombs all over the Middle East. I have also underlined Two sections of both speeches, which utilize the Fascist ideology of the necessity, through pertaining to its propaganda of victimization, that it must serve an uncompromised crusade, in reshaping other nations and its peoples.
Part of Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress, justifying his war crimes and Israel's military genocide on the Gaza population. Israel has killed over 39,000 Palestinians since they invaded Gaza on the 7th October 2023.
"We meet today at a crossroads of history. Our world is in upheaval. In the Middle East, Iran’s axis of terror confronts America, Israel and our Arab friends. This is not a clash of civilizations. It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization. It’s a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life. For the forces of civilization to triumph, America and Israel must stand together. Because when we stand together, something very simple happens. We win. They lose...In World War II, as Britain fought on the frontlines of civilization, Winston Churchill appealed to Americans with these famous words: “Give us the tools and we’ll finish the job.” Today, as Israel fights on the frontline of civilization, I too appeal to America: “Give us the tools faster, and we’ll finish the job faster...Working together, I’m confident that our two nations will vanquish the tyrants and terrorists who threaten us both. As Israel’s prime minister, *I promise you this: no matter how long it takes, no matter how difficult the road ahead, Israel will not relent. Israel will not bend. We will defend our land. We will defend our people. We will fight until we achieve victory. Victory of liberty over tyranny, victory of life over death, victory of good over evil. That’s our solemn commitment. And we will continue to work with the United States and our Arab partners to transform a troubled region, from a backwater of oppression, poverty and war into a thriving oasis of dignity, prosperity and peace. In this noble mission, as in many others, Israel will always remain America’s indispensable ally. Through thick and thin, in good times and in bad, Israel will always be your loyal friend and your steadfast partner. On behalf of the people of Israel, I came here today to say: Thank you, America. Thank you for your support and solidarity. Thank you for standing with Israel in our hour of need. Together, we shall defend our common civilization. Together, we shall secure a brilliant future for both our nations.”
Benito Mussolini speech before Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 and the massacre at Addis Ababa (1937), where the Italian army killed 30,000 unarmed civilians:
"...For many months the wheel of destiny and of the impulse of our calm determination moves toward the goal. In these last hours the rhythm has increased and nothing can stop it now. It is not only an army marching towards its goal, but it is forty-four million Italians marching in unity behind this army. Because the blackest of injustices is being attempted against them, that of taking from them their place in the sun. *When in 1915 Italy threw in her fate with that of the Allies, how many cries of admiration, how many promises were heard? But after the common victory, which cost Italy six hundred thousand dead, four hundred thousand lost, one million wounded, when peace was being discussed around the table only the crumbs of a rich colonial booty were left for us to pick up. For thirteen years we have been patient while the circle tightened around us at the hands of those who wish to suffocate us. We have been patient with Ethiopia for forty years. It is enough now. The League of Nations, instead of recognizing the rights of Italy, dares talk of sanctions, but until there is proof of the contrary, I refuse to believe that the authentic people of France will join in supporting sanctions against Italy. Six hundred thousand dead whose devotion was so heroic that the enemy commander justly admired them—those fallen would now turn in their graves. And until there is proof to the contrary, I refuse to believe that the authentic people of Britain will want to spill blood and send Europe into a catastrophe for the sake of a barbarian country, unworthy of ranking among civilized nations. Nevertheless, we cannot afford to overlook the possible developments of tomorrow."
- Benjamin "War Criminal" Netanyahu is about to address the U.S.Congress with open arms, while Israel's fascist army of conscripts continue to wage the worst military inspired genocide on a population since the 1920, 30s and 40s. Allowed by Joe Biden who will be remembered by history, who did nothing, as Israel used starvation, targeted hospitals, aid workers, mosques and schools in and effort at destroying a Palestinian population. With a death toll that is close to 40,000, which could be as high as 100,000+. Meanwhile Proto-Fascist Donald Trump hungryly awaits to take back America, and strip away its last segments of democracy, all within his fury of nuclear deterrence for "peace". Humanity, certainly went backwards after the pandemic. Maybe, it can be pulled from the brink.
- While the world awaits for Trump 2.0 to take back the Oval office, and the Democrats in a panic have hastily put Kamala Harris at the helm to take down Trump before November 5th. The question is: If Harris does indeed beat Trump. Can she take control of Three proxy wars, Iran, Russia and China. Pacify and assist in reforming Israel, and hold them accountable for their war crimes against Palestinians. Whilst achieving Peace through diplomacy? And since Cold Wars don't exist anymore in our strange 'rationalized' hyperreal world of Tiktok and social media feedback loops. Trump's paleolibertarian 'peace' plan to end the conflict in Ukraine, but he'll maintain the Two other Proxy wars (China and Iran), which he claims can be done in a single day, is already aligning itself speculatively of what he actually envisions. Trump's erratic blaming of the Left and Democrats for these 'unnecessary wars', is so far removed from reality. Yet, it is not surprising when it fact it was a neoconservative agreements within Congress via a plethora of Republicans and their 'neocon ' Democrats to arm Ukraine, with a vision of defeating Russia conventionally on the battlefield, plus a regime change. Of course this has not gone according to plan, with Russia/Putin dugin and Ukraine running out of men and weapons. Trump, like many Far Right Libertarians in Congress, believe Putin is ok. So what is Trump's Ukraine/Russia peace plan? A hint. Trump recently decreed this, after a phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy, "I will restore a thing called peace through strength." Yes, it is Trump's love affair with Nukes as his 1950s esque deterrent, please refer to the article: Also note the excellent article on VOX, in relation to Trump encouraging European countries, particulay Poland, to all Nuke arm themselves on any American NATO withdrawal. Finally, a renewed 'Star Wars 2.0' program, inspired by Trump wanting, if he is elected, to build a super Nuke Proof missile Iron Dome over the U.S., with Europe/U.K., interested in doing the same, via The Guardian.
- Genocide Joe Biden, which was not surprising, is no statesman or honorable leader, has dropped out of the U.S. Presidential elections on November 5th 2024. Yes, he will disappear into the dustbin of history, as the first American President to sign off, support and allow a country, such as Israel that became a bonafide Fascist state, which has committed one of the worst genocides in recent history. With its relentless bombing campaign onto the Gaza Strip since the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel October 7th 2023, has killed over 15,000 Palestinian children or on a 10 month average: 1,550 per mth. Which could be higher, pertaining to starvation and a viral outbreak, such as polio which is now circulating within a destroyed Gaza, that mostly kills the young and immune compromised. Biden, who may indeed be cognitive impaired, has stepped down to allow Vice President Kamala Harris to try and stave off Proto-Fascist, cherry picking paleolibertarian extremist, and dictator wannabe on a manic depressed revenge trip, Donald Trump, from removing democracy from America and imposing his Fascist utopia of missile defense shields (Regan-esque Star Wars part 2, but no Cold War part 2), oil rigs everywhere, and the Ten commandments forcibly taught in schools. And to rein in those mythical Left wing 'wokes', that was a media beat-up via the plethora of shock jocks on youtube, wayward millionaire and billionaire crackpots (on Twitter), who have assisted in paving the way via conspiracy theories that have been embedded into the extreme Right Wing mindset. But, with American exceptionalism and politics aside, if Harris cannot rein in a Nuke armed Israel, and continue allowing its Fascist Total War on Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and now Yemen. Israel will further entrench itself as a Fascist waring state, while the world itself teeters on the edge of falling further towards the Hard Right. By obsessively focusing on holding Trump at bay, it may end up being a two way bet that is destined to fail. Such was the folly, of believing the Peace could be achieved through superior Firepower.
- As discussed on these blog posts, Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Middle East, that faced a Western backed and weapon supplied Saudi Arabia bombing campaign in *2015, which was considered a war crime when the Saudi air force targeted civilian infrastructure, schools and hospitals. But, no country is close, in recent modern warfare, to Israel deliberately targeting all civilians, such as their invasion, and genocide of the Gaza Strip. Yemen, albeit rudimentary, is the only Middle Eastern country that has attempted militarily to divert Israel away from its mass killings of Palestinians in Gaza. Not an ideal situation, but with the West allowing this genocide of Gaza to unfold, and other Middle Eastern countries not doing anything to stop Israel's onslaught. This conflict will needlessly spread.
*Corrections, the Saudi Arabia Bombing campaign of Yemen was in 2015, not 2022. The Western Countries were involved in the arming, logistics and training of Saudi pilots. Israel was not involved.
- There was no doubt Israel was going to attack Yemen in retaliation for the Houthi Drone strike that killed an Israeli citizen, that once again, Israel's 'ironclad' Iron Dome has failed the test. The Fascist State in true revenge driven, disproportional counterattack tactics (Gaza's genocide comes to mind, with its bombing of civilian infrastructure, oil storage and electrical grids), who has been unchained by the U.S. to do what it likes the Middle East in the name of its "right to defend itself". Is now unrestrained in its preemptive 'defense' attacks choosing multiple fronts, attacking Syria, Lebanon, and now Yemen with bombing campaigns that do not follow those 1990s esque surgical strikes. This is Israel's Total War technique with roots deeply connected to Fascism, and Israel is playing it out with no regards of the civilians caught in the crossfire. But, would one be surprised? They are Fascists after all, and the genocide of Gaza is the most blatant in history, once again ok'ed and allowed by America, UK, Germany and France. Which shows how waywardly progressive and Centralist the West once was, and has now become increasingly focused on the Right Wing style of foreign policy, and in some cases Far Right politics; ala civilian death tolls are no longer too high, veto every ceasefire through the U.N., and war is the answer. So, can Israel add a Fourth front (Yemen) to its plan in destroying all of Gaza and extermination of Palestinians? Israeli warplanes caused a massive fireball in the Yemen port city of Hodeida, bombing oil facilities. Not military targets, as per usual.
- One of the poorest countries in the Middle East, Yemen. Controlled by a Shia Muslim militia under what is known as the Houthis, have stepped in to assist Gaza and the Palestinians, by launching a long range drone attack on Tel Aviv, which has killed one Israeli and wounded 10 others. Since President Biden who has not or isn't capable in reigning in Israel's Fascist Total War on Gaza, that has killed close to 40,000 Palestinians, and over 15,000 children and displaced a million Gazans, with an overall death toll that could be up to 100,000. Then the proxies, not the Arab neighbours who have been inactive, such as Hezbollah and the Houthis will up the ante for Israel. This is not a praise, and the West is completely to blame for the escalation that will occur, without pushing for a ceasefire and cutting off Israel's genocide of Palestinians, and setting up peace between Palestine and Israel.
- Israel's Total War has turned towards Lebanon, according to Reuters there has been a spike in civilians being killed by Israeli airstrikes on the Lebanese side of the border. Hezbollah is ready to return its attacks on Israel in similarity. To reiterate, proto-Fascist Donald Trump appears to be readying to take the White House after the November 5th elections, his reworking of the paleolibertarian doctrine with infused evangelical/zionist Christian extremism, will allow Israel to wage its Fascist style warfare across the region, while limiting, so far in rhetoric, U.S. support for Ukraine. Under Biden's Centralist Right leaning theorem of managing "low intensity warfare", with acceptable high civilian death rates, but let the aid in, that being Gaza. It will be replaced with "Get the Job done" high intensity "Total War', blocking and restricting aid, inciting starvation; very much how cities were attacked in World War Two, and now once again 2024 with Gaza's total destruction. Israel has destroyed 80% of the Gaza strip that houses a million plus Palestinians.
- As Israel's Fascist Total War machine goes for broke now, in its final solution attempt at forcing the Palestinians into extermination, in one of the most barbaric forms of warfare not seen since World War Two, all to have Hamas submit defeat and surrender. There is no ceasefire at all on the horizon. Biden, who had authorized the Israeli genocide of Gaza in response to the October 7th 2023 attacks by Hamas on Israel, tried to steer Israeli aggression in a half hearted way, is about to pave the way to the most Fascist government America has even seen, if Trump is re-elected. The Gaza genocide is the first realtime genocide recorded with almost a hyperreal immunity, via the digital relays, and backed by the West in history.
- Self explanatory clip of a Palestinian woman explaining how the Arab world let down the Palestinian people, who are amidst one of the worst and blatant genocides in history, by the Western backed Fascist State of Israel. Yet, America and the U.K are very good at creating Islamic extremism by their divide and conquer policies of the Middle East, by shifting allegiances between Shia and Sunni Muslims and creating regimes changes on a whim. All for the oil and gas markets. Nothing else. However, Israel's final solution of their Palestinian problem, will include Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria land grabs. And Iran, if ok'ed by Proto-Fascist "Nuke Warrior" Trump (if he indeed wins over the Oval office for the 2nd time on Nov 5th 2024), will be attacked by Israel in the Fascist Trump party motto on modern conflicts "Get the Job done" quickness. One can leave that up to the imagination, on what weapons or weapon will be used by Israel.
- Donald Trump with his merry band of paleolibertarian extremists, evangelical fundamentalists, and Zionist Fascists, begin to shoot off their mouths (no pun), from now to the U.S. elections on November 5th 2024, already priced in at 70% that he will sweep to power again, this time with a vengeance. Their rhetoric, including the former President and his ragtag team of Fascists is already alarming and, not surprisingly, bizarre to say the least, from Trump claiming, in flip flop libertarian speak, that he will tax Taiwan for any weapon sales to offset Chinese aggression, immediately when he said that the gold price shot up and so did the blood pressure of a many neocon Republicans, who worry China will ultimately control the global computer chip market, Taiwan would be that prize. Trump, who has environmental organizations decrying that his environmental policies are "Horrifying", and as a bonafide Climate Change denier and oil czar, who has claimed that he could drop the oil price for American consumers (and the rest of the world?) if the U.S. drills its whole country for, his words, that "black gold". But, Trump and his entourage also extends to the core of the Republicans that are so Far Right now, a Fascist calling card would not be an understatement. Cue, Zionist Fascist/Republican Matt Brooks who has endorsed Trump's Gaza "Finish the Job" speak, by saying "If you need to carpet bomb the area, do it. Just get it done. Rip the band aid off. Finish the job because Hamas needs to be destroyed,". Over 15,000 Gaza children have been killed by Israel since the October 7th invasion of Gaza.
- While Former President Donald Trump and nominee for the next President of America recovers from a shot ear, by his would be assassin, who was shot and killed by police snipers, before killing an attendee at the Trump rally and wounding two others. Trump, now has a 70% chance to reclaim the White House, according to betting sites, from Joe "Genocide" Biden, has declared J.D. Vance, a neocon and once Trump critic, with wishwashy paleolibertarian beliefs on U.S. foreign policy, but holds Far Right evangelical Christian views (that being, the age old persecution by Muslims etc) on the Middle East and Israel. Crying out, as some of Biden's State Department has reiterated that a regime change in the Middle East is in order. By removing the Iran influence (who actually assisted suppressing ISIS), and put in place a Saudi Arabia power grab as a Sunni influence in the region. With the Fascist State of Israel assisting, by allowing the Saudi's to have their nuke power secrets. Vance has reiterated the phrase "Finish the Job", that former U.K. technocrat obsessed with the new dawn of Right Wing enlightenment, Rishi Sunak once said about the war with Russia, via arming Ukraine to the teeth. With odd semantics used to describe wars and genocides in our hyperreal world aside, Trump's fanatical paleolibertarian, fundamentalist infused Republican team, who all like Putin, but hate Iran, are urging to Israel to go into hyperdrive and finish their genocide of the Palestinians. Holds true to what Fascism in America will begin to look like.
- With the plethora of misinformation, conspiracy theories and that desire for quick access of information and to associate meaning to everything. The assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life on the 14/08/2024, whilst he was hosting a campaign to be the next American President (once again) in Pennsylvania, has set off conspiracy laced mania. The former President, who has been disgraced as a convicted felon, yet granted immunity by the Supreme Court of the United States, yes, a luxury not granted for the average citizen of America's sins I'm afraid. Trump, also instigated, via Twitter, groups of extreme Right Wing militia to storm Congress in January 6th 2021. Beyond his own conspiracy theories of vote fraud, deep state, and the extreme Left Wing taking over American society (an age old paranoia of American exceptionalism), he is, by political definition a Fascist. Which, as discussed on these blog posts, is the global swing towards the Hard Right, from Centralist governing positions via their polarized societies. However, the shooter, until his actions are made clear by the authorities under proper investigation, killed one person and critically injured two others at Trump's rally in Pennsylvania. AP updates on the assassination attempt on Trump:
- Israel's offensive forces with their blunt Fascist inspired Total War of targeting Palestinian civilians in Gaza, have struck a 'safe zone', and killed 90 Civilians, injuring over 300 with shrapnel wounds. Who were Israel's war criminal air force/army targeting? Two Hamas officials. Which, not surprising, Israel's crackpot military strategy via AI targeting systems (?), and freshly armed with Biden blessed 500/2000 (soon-to-be back on the menu, for Israel's Lebanon invasion) Ib U.S. bombs, actually missed the two Hamas leaders. Via Al Jazeera
- Israel's Total War and Genocide on Gaza and the Palestinian people continues.
- All is obviously not well in a post pandemic world. With a permitted genocide by the Fascist State of Israel on Gaza, has been ok'ed and armed by the West, and the never ending rearming of Ukraine (who have run out of men and weapons) supported also by the West. In that vain hope of defeating Russia conventionally on the battlefield, then democratizing the country once Putin is overthrown. These same Right leaning Centralists and Neocons wish of implementing a 18th Century Napoleonic and Frederick The Great meritocracy laced wonderland, where the 'lazy' Left wing and those mythical 'wokes' have been reformed to contribute to the new Age of Enlightenment, is all but in tatters (cue the extreme Right Wing Donald" Nuke Warrior" Trump waiting on the sidelines). All the while, the frenetic technocrats of the world, who statistically believed they can manage a pandemic, inflation and multiple proxy wars by pushing buttons may have to declare that we are indeed living through a Cold War Part Two that appears to be worse than the last. Since we're all at 90 Seconds to Midnight.
- The Fascist army of Israel, who are now in total extermination mode of Gaza (moving closer to Mussolini's genocide of the Libyan tribes of the 1920s, to which Israeli fascists supported him in the 1930s), with estimations that the death toll could be over 100,000, in genocidal circles have returned to Khan Younis. After apparently clearing it of 'Hamas', have moved back into the area with a fumbled and revenge driven fury. As you would expect of one of the most poorly trained (high tech killing aside), and conscripted armies in the world. With an air force, that likes to target schools, hospitals and mosques in Gaza, via its ad hoc and crazy AI system, but more alarmingly U.S. controlled drones. The Israel war machine already committed Four Khan Younis school bombings, the latest, being number that 4, has killed 30 civilians, another massacre of Palestinians of Gaza. Yet, in a warning to Israel by Hezbollah, who are, despite their high losses of its own members via Israeli airstrikes, scoping out Israeli military sites.
- Israel is about to scuttle Biden's ceasefire plan for the nth time, as the Fascist (and Western backed) Israeli army and airforce continue to target civilians, as legitimate targets. Israel 'Offensive' Forces, have also maintain premeditated bombing campaigns in Lebanon (killing Lebanese civilians) against Hezbollah, who have stated that they will cease border strikes on Israel if a ceasefire is put in place with Gaza/Hamas. Israel appears committed to its Total War of annihilation of all its 'threats'. With the disproportionate civilian death tolls rising by the day.
- Can France stave of Fascism? With it snap elections that caused the Left to galvanise in lieu of soon-to-be thrown into the dustbin of history failed Napoleonic 'Centralist' Macron's Right leaning mania, that spawned the Extreme Right in France rise to dominance. Possibly a lesson for the rest of Western Europe. That the antiquated 18th Century 'Peace Through Strength' policy and obsession with Middle Class conservatism, was probably not the way.
- The Fascist State of Israel with their Total War on Gaza have killed over 38,000 Palestinians since October 7th 2023. A genocide supported by the U.K., Germany, France and of course the U.S. For Israel's 'right' to defend itself, means a genocide is now accepted in modern warfare.
- Will Israel scuttle the U.S. lead Ceasefire deal for the nth time? Hopefully they will agree to end their genocide of Gaza, so the U.N. can establish a permanent ceasefire, steer the Fascist State of Israel away from their next war with Lebanon, and allow the ICC arrest Israeli war criminals, while putting Biden's administration on notice.
- With Western foreign diplomacy in tatters, as Right Wing Centralists (?) government/s globally scramble to fend off the Far Right from one by one taking office, so far it's Holland, Argentina and Italy with France and Germany (and other countries) all teetering on the edge, and Proto-Fascist dictatorial dreams for a Trump redux at the White House, has been cleared by the Supreme Court of the U.S., that he has immunity as a convicted felon. These so called Centralist governments played up the Left Wing mythical 'woke' conspiracy to a tee (France's Macron attempt at a Napoleon meritocracy comes to mind, and he f$cked up. As the Far Right extremist Le Pen party are a hair away from taking charge). Fueled by the numerous conspiratorial theories, a billionaire manchild ramblings, paranoia of Islam and the Left, laced shock idiots on youtube, have set off a Far Right backlash which is to say, despite it holding an amusing irony, has tragedy written all over it. More so, Western governments for allowing the bonafide Fascist State of Israel to commit one of the worst modern genocides in 21st Century history, as it systematically wipes out whole Palestinian genelines to destroy the Hamas 'ideology' as decreed by war criminal of the IOF, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari. And the West has fallen silent again, with a war between Hezbollah and a 'Nuke' armed Israel is all but weeks away. Israel maintains its clumsy, invading Lebanon airspace, AI guided,
smart'dumb' bomb strikes on Hezbollah leaders. To which Hezbollah returns in kind with a volley of rockets on Israel.
(Image AP, Palestinian civilians being pushed out of the Gaza city, Khan Younis, for the 2nd time. While Israel's Fascist army runs around in genocidal circles)
- As the civilian death toll of Palestinians nears 30,000 plus, removing so called Hamas militants, and adding starvation, diseases and the Thousands of bodies buried beneath the rubble. Israel's genocide of civilians is probably well over 40,000. The Israeli war machine with no real plans on how to win a war against Hamas, accept maintain Total War, which is a technique of warfare that was supposed to be rid of and replaced with so called surgical strikes, is now back on the table. Copying World War Two destruction of whole cities (at this point in time, conventional weapons are being used), Dresden and Tokyo come to mind. Israel's bombing campaign is like nothing seen before in 21st Century warfare. But alas, Israel's crackpot army of extremist conscripts, appear to be tiring from their genocidal rampage through Gaza. Returning to so called cleared areas of Hamas militants, they have returned to Khan Younis, where Israel committed one of their more blatant war crimes, the killing and burying of 238 Palestinians (hands and feet tired, execution style) in and around the Khan Younis Nasser Hospital. Via AP
- Can the Fascist State of Israel contain its implosion? With secular Israelis protesting against their ultra Right Wing government lack of interest in negotiating with Hamas, of what is left of the hostages (Israel's maniacal bombing campaign of Gaza has killed a large portion of them), to be at peace with Palestine, and a cessation of hostilities towards the Arab world. Orthodox Jews who have now been ordered by the Israeli High Court, to be enlisted into Israel's war machine for the next war with Lebanon. Most orthodox Jews, who are students of the Torah (studying in the holy land), are not Zionists, compared to Jewish Zionism which is akin to Christian evangelism, mixed with 1930s Fascism.
- No commentary to this post. Just the imagery (watch for her mother's traditional Palestinian embroidered dress in the clip)
- While convicted felon, crazy conspiracy theorist and Proto Fascist Donald Trump dukes it out with 'Democratic' neoconservative Joe Biden, who is showing signs of cognitive decline on live television, re: The Presidential debate. No Cold War Part Two has been called, as we watch TikTok viral (spyware and all) clips of some Russian playing with her cat, in its cute montage, the world is as close as to a miscalculation and/or direct military exchange between Russian and NATO/America than it was at the height of the 1967 Cuban missile crisis. Yes, we are a little sleepy at the wheel, with over Three decades of interconnected global markets, rapid paced digital relays, and all-is-well in a technological, technocrat managed wonderland. The reality is, it's coming undone at alarming rate. It just hasn't caught up to the realization that we are very close to a major global war. Trump, in all his Fascist imperialism, where he would indeed strike Iran and chunks of the Middle East with an invigorated Total War plan, which the Fascist State of Israel has already set in place. And these won't be surgical strikes and regime changes, but colonization, drawing from the Mussolini/Hitler esque Utopia rebuilding plans via using Zionist Fascist ideology. Although the current Neocon relics from the last Cold War, who believe they can defeat Russia in a conventional war, could be relegated if Trump "I'll use a Nuke" does become President (again), as he and fellow Paleolibertarian extreme Right Wingers, may let Putin begin his imperialist charge to reclaim East Europe under a 17th Century map. Meanwhile, Russia claims that U.S drones flying over the Black Sea are being used for targeting Russian military assets for Ukraine, Via Bloomberg
- War criminal, and Fascist, Israel defense minister Yoav Galant, who authorized starvation as a weapon on the Palestinians, including the bombing of hospitals, medical/Aid staff and journalists in Israel's Gaza invasion and genocide. As decreed, in perfect Fascist Total War speak, that Israel’s military will bomb Lebanon “back to the stone age”. Remember, this war criminal has said this in front of Necon Democrats, while being cheered on by Far Right Republican fellow Neocons, in tow with those crazy, conspiracy theorist Paleolibertarian MAGAs. Via The Guardian.
- Very good report from Middle Eastern Eye on how the current genocide and ethnic cleansing of Gaza has its roots in 1930s Jewish/Christian Zionist-Revisionism, although activated by the 2023 Oct 9th Hamas attacks on Israel, Jewish Fascism have been dormant for over 80 years, is now a policy of Right Wing Zionist extremism. An unfortunately accepted by the now Far leaning Right Wing of American and European governments. Also refer to the Israeli newspaper HAARETZ article: "When Jews Praised Mussolini and Supported Nazis: Meet Israel's First Fascists"
- Israel's preemptive assassination airstrikes continue on, while U.S. congressmen and women walk around in circles with bizarre empty rhetoric on Israel's genocide, that makes less and less sense. Running a script of perpetual repetition, of Israel's right to defend itself, while it staves and kills indiscriminately Palestinian people en masse, with the death rate reaching closer to 40000. Rule books of war have been thrown out, Cold War protocols in tatters, and a shift lead by militarist technocrats, to Fascist war theory. So that modern day military conflicts can now be seen as a form of Creative Destruction in heralding in technological wonderlands, and Age of Enlightenment Utopia colonialism. Lebanon and Syria appears next on the list for Israel's attempt at reshaping the Middle East, under the guise of fighting Iran backed terrorism (which is an oxymoron, as Iran has been keeping ISIS at bay). Except, this time there will be no surgical strikes or 'low intensity wars', just an all out war and land grab of Lebanese and Syrian territory, since their airspace is a fly zone for Israel.

(Hamas chief and war criminal Ismail Haniyeh's sister's home, where Israel targeted and killed 10 members of his family. Israel's war of extermination, which is not a new theory, views all Palestinians as Hamas. Therefor, they are all targets. Including children)
- War criminal Yoav Galant who is about to be issued an arrest warrant by the ICC, for using starvation (among other atrocities) as a weapon in Gaza, assisting in Israel's Total War on Palestinians, after U.S. Congress sanctioned the ICC by not allowing the independent court jurisdiction in America. He and fellow war criminal, the Israeli PM, who both have freedom of movement within America, are trying to drum up, in person, military support in Israel's next Total War with Lebanon. Can the neocon war managers of Congress, and their extreme Right Wing libertarians (fanclub of Putin) convince Israel to wage their theorized 'low intensity' wars. Maybe, that crackpot Fascist army of Israel will use their infamous AI targeting system for Lebanon, which has been programmed, and appears successfully, in exterminating whole genelines.
- Maybe it would be prudent to call a new Cold War part Two, so diplomacy can take centre stage rather than the hyperreal managed "technocrat" wars by Right leaning militarists and wannabe crusaders of age of enlightenment democracy. And no, proto-fascist cherry picking paleolibertarian, conspiracy theorist and purveyor of "bad actors" Donald Trump is the last thing the human race needs. Not surprising, Ukraine which is desperately trying to attack Russia with Western (stamped of approved) confusion that Russia can be defeated in a conventional war, re: Medium short range missiles, has allegedly attacked Crimea with a U.S ATACMS missile system.
- As the West, more so America and U.K., France and Germany begin to excuse the Fascist State of Israel genocide of the Palestinians. As the said countries, have already exhibited their Hard Right theorems from the technocrat spectrum, through their own folly and paranoia of the Left. Are now fighting desperately, to hold back the Extreme Right. In its tragic comedy of errors, the Zionist Fascists are running out of bombs and men (not from battlefield deaths, but from genocidal fatigue), rearming Israel maynot be priority by the West (due to internal bedlam, via tipping points of political upheaval), as war criminal and killer of over 15000 Palestinian children, Benjamin Netanyahu in true Fascist dictatorial decree, turns his attention towards Lebanon, to wipe out Hezbollah once and for all, a 1982 founded militia that has been entrenched into Lebanese society, will not be an easy job. Can the out-of-control Fascist State of Israel, with its nuclear deterrent, already used once before in its war with Egypt in 1967, be activated again? Or can the 'rational' Israelis, who are tired of Zionist laced Fascism reverse their dysfunctional society?
- Al Jazeera's reporter in Lebanon, Zeina Khodr. Once again, explaining the military tactics of Hezbollah in lieu of the misaligned diplomacy by the Western leaders, and pushed by Israel that Hezbollah attacks on Israel's Northern border are delinked from the genocide in Gaza by Israel. They are intrinsically related.
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