
The Knight of Disks is probably Aleister Crowley's most Right Wing or Conservative minded card relating to his political beliefs of his era, that being 1900s technological progress and the taming of natural environments, strength through conflict, whilst aligning with the Age of Enlightenment period of innovation.  Which, in its historic manifestation of humanism, did assist in heralding in new and modern techniques of warfare and killing technology.  I have covered a lot in my analysis of Aleister Crowley of his esoterica, spiritual beliefs that were formulated under what could be deemed the early aspects of New Age spirituality, which does have its roots in 20th Century Fascist ideologies.  Particularly throughout Europe in the early to mid 1900s.  Crowley was not a Satanist or practitioner of Witchcraft, he was heavily influenced by early esoterical societies and beliefs which were primarily  associated with gnostic Christian teachings, incorporating Egyptology, and Eastern and Middle Eastern metaphors.  Please refer to my earlier Thoth card readings for deeper analysis of Crowley.

I perceive the Knight of Disks as a negative, and-to-be wary of this Thoth Tarot card.


To conquer, is appealing.  To change, feels powerful.  Do I have the answers for the generalist?  Is strength through superiority the ultimate progression?  At times you may ask yourself these questions.   Look into your past.  They told you to be strong, to be brave.  Is to cut through the unknown, with a hunger to change the world.  To slay the wrongdoers, and tame the unruly.  Force the knowledge of our civilization onto the primitives, show them the power of strength.  For this, is both of the male and female mindset, equal they can be deluded by the aggressive urge as time runs short, and that desire for structure will be at any cost.  To be ruled, and to rule.  So, I ask you to be wary of this path.  There has been never been a golden era, and no utopian dream has ever worked.  What was forced onto, is then forced back.  So if you wish, ride through the fields of victory, and it will be pyrrhic in reflection.  And as a mere mortal, you will suffer the forever torment of wars without an end.   To defy nature is to redefine the self, not the world.  That is of the truest bravery.

(A.Glass 2024)

All T
hoth Tarot readings to date:  chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/search/label/Thoth%20Tarot%20reading
