The Queen of Cups is by definition, one of Aleister Crowley's more serene and peaceful cards from the Thoth Tarot.  As I have noted in my recent readings of the Thoth Tarot cards, I will refrain from a detailed analysis of the background of Crowley's explanation of his own Tarot, as in all honesty it has to be said that his ramblings have been equated from 1800s ritualized occultism, which was connected to Freemason obsession and Age of Enlightenment curiosity with Egyptology.  One must also note the influences of early alchemy via Hermetism, thus was the mediaeval alchemists reworking of Jewish mysticism of the Qabalah.  Mixing it all together, to which Crowley's drug induced manifestations, created his own religion of Thelema.  Crowley passed away in 1947 at the dawn of the Beatnigs that later evolved into the Hippies.  So, the undercurrent to the Thoth Tarot regardless, is that appeal of the Counterculture.  To which, in our 21st Century overindulgence, and overconfidence of rapid pace information, remains an illusive novelty.

However this card is special, and I adore the art by Lady Frieda Harris (d1962) for the "Queen of Cups", as you can just make out the image of a woman behind her watery veil.


Of all the great meditations, it would be of looking onto the surface or water, but may it not offer you any reflection.  As the ripples should be of a continuum.  Not for vanity.  Let there be subtleness in all of its obscurity. Is nature the observer or are you?  Time is very much a distortion, yet It is perfect, within its imperfection.  View the watery abyss, as that void between worlds.  Allow the weight of centuries to past, as they will always continue to flow.  It is, an unstoppable force.  You cannot hold back the oceans.  So, focus on the Water Bird, it does not move against the current, but drifts along with the tides.  Not as an aimless being, but with instinctive awareness.   


(A.Glass 2024)

All T
hoth Tarot readings to date:  chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/search/label/Thoth%20Tarot%20reading
