A new strain of Monkeypox has emerged, called 'Clade IB'. The World Health Organisation has deemed this a "public health emergency of international concern". Will this new Monkeypox outbreak be the next pandemic? (update 3)

  • Report from Bloomberg on the Australian 2024 Mpox surge of the less severe Clade IIb strain, which has surpassed all of 2022 and 2023 infections.  Meaning that it has broke out again as an epidemic, mostly centered around Sydney and Melbourne.  The more infectious and severe Clade 1B strain, which is now currently a world health emergency, has yet to arrive onto Australian shores, yet.  Via Bloombeg  
  • Also updated report from Crisis24, re: Australian Mpox surge (Clade IIb strain):
"Australian health officials have reported elevated monkeypox (mpox) activity in multiple areas, with an additional 147 mpox cases reported Aug. 9-30, bringing the total to 353 mpox cases since April 1. This is compared to the 26 cases reported nationwide in 2023. New South Wales (164 cases) is the most affected, followed by Victoria (140 cases), Queensland (28 cases), Australian Capital Territory (14 cases), South Australia (4 cases), and Western Australia (2 cases). The Clade IIb strain has caused all infections reported to date; therefore, cases are not connected to the more severe clade Ib spreading in east and central Africa. Health officials encourage anyone at higher risk of the disease to get vaccinated. As disease surveillance and contact tracing continue, officials will likely identify additional cases in the coming weeks. This report represents the most up-to-date information as of Aug. 30."


  • Another very good article from Bloomberg, in regards to the West, once again, with its arrogance and dazed overconfidence moving towards another pandemic.   While second rating Third world countries without prioritising vaccines, medical screening and containment of emerging viral outbreaks.  Obviously the 2020 COVID pandemic wasn't the wake up call we needed.  Maybe Mpox could be the precursor to a wave of future viral outbreaks, even though some 'experts' from the WHO claim that Mpox won't become a global pandemic, the slow paced vaccinations, particularly in Africa, for Mpox is alarming enough.  Via: Bloomberg


(Image:  Vial of Smallpox vaccine, that is also effective against Mpox)


In our hyperreal world of managed societies, where economic rationale takes precedence over everything, just like the bad bureaucratic from a bad Hollywood movie script.  The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 should have been a wake up call, instead the Far Right conspiracy theory laced denalist, with 'oh no, the economy' mandates written into their lunacy, assisted in spreading the virus in its earlier days and causing death rates to unnecessarily double.  And, unfortunately the paradigm of complacency has also set in, via our overconfidence and greed.  As a new Monkeypox virus has emerged, which is deadlier strain of the Monkeypox outbreak of 2022, that was unjustly labeled a gay lifestyle and African viral disease (we have heard this before right?).  The Word Health Organization has called the Clade IB strain of MonkeyPox a global emergency, after a massive outbreak in several African countries, with this virulent new strain now appearing in some European countries.

Please refer to an excellent article from The Conversation in relation to this new epidemic, that may indeed become the next pandemic.   

These will be ongoing posts.


For all my COVID posts, please refer:  chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/search?q=covid 
