Moodboard: "Kim's Video Underground" at Alamo's in Lower Manhattan, in homage to the iconic "Kim's Video" that was once on 'Avenue A' (NYC) which opened in 1987 and closed in 2014. Apparently they house most of the collection that was given away in 2008 to the government of Salemi, in Sicily. For some odd reason.


These are all my video covers that I have collected over the years: About the time when DVD's were at their peak in 2010 and videos were becoming history, and now it is all net streaming.  I still prefer *DVDs

* True story, I bought a 2006 DVD set of "Silence of the Lambs" (1991) for $2.99 from a Thrift store.   Upon returning home, I found that one of the DVDs was missing and their other was the 1985 movie "The Breakfast Club" which I really like.  Moral of story.  Check 2nd, 3rd and 4th hand DVDs to see of all the disks are there and/or the correct ones. 
