Excerpt: R13 - Spring 2025


"I have an endearing soft spot for Chris Leba's R13, with his nostalgically inspired rebellious late 20th Century fashion, who can not like the late 1970s and early 1980s New York City romanticism, with all its grit, grime and punk rock ethos.   Yes, before the 2000s gentrification of 'No Standing' signs glued onto fake brink façades, and subsequently falling off (I saw this occur with bemusement recently, only to see the sign fall off again, and then sticky tape used to affix it again!)  21st Century prefabrication, in all of its glory.

Rock historians may argue what country Punk originated from, and who could be deemed the instigator of 'Punk' fashion.  But, one cannot deny the impact the late U.K. fashion designer Vivienne Westwood had on Punk styles throughout the late 70s onto the 80s.  When tartan and safety pins were first seen on the catwalk of Paris Fashion Weeks, at the heyday of Westwood's tenure..."


(A.Glass 2024)

Full review:  chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/2024/09/r13-spring-2025.html
