
  • DW report on the Genocidal Fascist State of Israel act of terrorism in Lebanon, by exploding handheld pagers, that have injured over 3000 people and killed 9.  AP, has reported that the U.S. was briefed about the terrorist act by Israel.  So, will Joe "Genocide" Biden order the Roosevelt aircraft carrier to return to the region again?  So Israel can maintain ts reign of terror in the name of defending itself?  Who is next?  Yemen?  We await Israel's disproportionate response, while the West supports a nuke armed Israel many front war's and land grabs.  

  • While American foreign diplomacy is pretty much in tatters, and State Department officials under Joe "Genocidal" Biden walk around in circles trying to etch out who are Middle Eastern allies in the region, obviously that would be Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates who are both U.S./Israel friendlies.  As the said Middle Eastern countries, in their paranoid aggression against Iran, funded the sunni death cult Islamic State that killed and beheaded a many Western peoples.  And are responsible for the current Sudanese war and its atrocities.  America's imperialist, double sided bizarro rhetoric of who is an ally, and who isn't, playing all sides in the Middle East, is come undone in a spectacular manner.  With Israel given the green light to continue its genocide onto the Palestinians, and maintain its very destabilizing assassination programs ad infinitum by Mossad.  One of the most ruthless spy networks the world has ever seen.  In similarity to the assassination of  Palestinian leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on the 31st July 2024, reported that it was a Mossad agent controlled quadcopter that launched a missile at Haniyeh's apartment residence.  Israel's extremist 'terrorist' zionist spy network has once again shown up its ruthless resolve in assassinations, by infiltrating Hezbollah communication networks, namely Taiwan made 'pagers', by setting off explosive devices inside them and have them simultaneously go off at the same time.   9 people were killed (including a child) and over 3000 injured.   Via WP   


  • While Israel appears to have a green light to carry out its genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and now the West Bank, by Western countries and large portions of 'neighbouring' Arab countries, that have washed their hands of the Palestinians.  Yemen, the poorest country in the region, who were bombed by Saudi Arabia (considered a war crime by the U.N.) in 2015, in which Israel allowed Saudi fighter jet planes to use their airspace, have launched a hypersonic missile, in response to Israel's Gaza genocide, which landed in an Israeli field, causing no deaths of injuries.  With the Fascist, War Criminal State of Israel PM, Benjamin "Child Killer" Netanyahu vowing a disportionately harsh response onto Yemen.  Will the wonky, wishwashing 'oil price' diplomacy and confused U.S. State Department resend the Roosevelt aircraft carrier back into the region again?   After the Iran retaliatory Israel strike, false alarm (?).     


  • When a Cold War Part Two is not a Cold War Part Two, but managed technocrat conflicts in our hyperreal, globalised digital world, as Ukraine is moving closer and closer to striking Russian cities with American/European conventual long range missiles.  Will Biden's "Rational Actor" Putin maintain his war of attrition on Ukraine and nuke brinkmanship with the West?  All the while Trump, who adores his Nuclear sabre rattling, awaits the possibility that he will be in the White House once again.  Did we learn from the last Cold War?  Obviously not.  Above report from DW, on the possibility of some sort of Nuclear weapon exchange occurring within the Ukraine/Russian war.  Russia's Nuke powered cruise missile called "Skyfall".  Kviv a soon-to-be target?  

  • A very good report from Al Jazeera reporter Zeina Khodr based in Lebanon, in relation to Israel's recent preemptive strikes on Syria. 

  • The Offensive Forces of Israel, continue on with their preemptive airstrikes across the Middle East in their vain and very tedious rhetoric, "Israel's Right to defend itself".  The rogue Fascist State of Israel has hit Syria, again, this time a reported weapons factory near Aleppo, killing 18 people, in its similarity to Israel's bombing of the Iran's embassy in Damascus on April 1st 2024, which killed 16 people, including Iranian officials.  Clearly Israel is provoking Iran for retaliation (once again), to trigger a military response from Israel's dazed and confused handlers, the U.S.  Possibly timed with Tehran supplying Ballistic missiles to Russia (Ukraine just threatened Iran), who are running out of short/medium range missiles in their war with Ukraine.  The West, who has been supplying the genocidal and Fascist State of Israel with unlimited weapons, so they can kill more Palestinian children (death toll of children killed by Israel is at 20,000), is also refilling Ukraine with a hearty array of Western weaponry.  To which Ukraine is pleading with the West, that they can attack Russian cities with medium/long range missiles.  See where this is going?  The so called right to defend, is now a right to attack, or be it Strength through Firepower, and as Proto-Fascist  'Nuke warrior' Trump would say "Peace Through Strength".  


  • Israel's crackpot army of extremists, poorly trained conscripts and Zionist mercenaries from South Africa (whites), and of course the U.S., keep stacking up their war crimes on a daily basis.  All the while Germany, which in its tragic bemusement, is becoming more and more Fascist, or at least a revamped 21st century version, continues to supply over 30% of the Fascist State of Israel with weapons.  Assisting in Israel's multidirectional incursion into the remnants of Palestinian land and territory, with their genocide of Gaza in full swing, the West Bank invasion has left, once again, destruction and death of its citizens.  Israel's offensive forces (IOF) have targeted and killed American/Turkish Ayşenur Eygi, a 26 year old activist.  She was shot in the head while protesting against Israeli settlers stealing Palestinian land in the West Bank, by an Israeli sniper.  Not the first time Israel's crackpot army have targets activists, aid workers and people wanting to assist the Palestinians in their time of need. 


  • Since Western allies of the Fascist State of Israel refuse to stop arms sales and demand that war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli's corrupt PM, withdraw of all Israel's armed forces from the destroyed Gaza strip, and allow food, aid and mass polio vaccinations for the children.  Maybe, the Israeli citizens can call an end to this genocide, as it may be entirely in their hands now.  As the final solution of Israel's Palestinian problem, is to kill as many of them as they can and then have them relocate en masse into the Sinai desert.   This genocide has indeed been in our name, with a rising Extreme/Hard Right within our societies, which have been laying the groundwork for their hysteria against minorities for many years now.  Finally, it has been implemented.  Can the people stop it?  Starting with Israel?     


  • This is why in the end, autocratic rule and/or fascism fails.  The country implodes, such as Israel in its current form.


  • As Israeli citizens protests against their Fascist government handling of the genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza, and their 'War Criminal' Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu disinterest and lack of regard for the lives of the Israeli captives.  Six of the hostages have been found dead, killed apparently by Hamas, although they may have been blown apart by Israel's relentless bombing campaign on Gaza's population.  Whatever the case, the families of the Israeli hostages plea for a ceasefire deal and prisoner swap has fallen on deaf ears


  • After France's Macron misfire in trying to rein in the Left and his mythical "wokes" from making France too democratic and too open (I know, oxymoron or what?), which in turn gave rise to the Far Right Le Pen party, only to have the Left Wing parties of France frantically form a coalition to push back the Right Wing extremists.  Germany is now facing the same dilemma with chancellor Olaf Scholz, who in March of 2024, said that the Fascist State of Israel has a "legitimate goal" in its genocide of Gaza.  His Right leaning Centralist rhetoric is leaving Germany open to the Extreme Right Wing in its polarizing of fear and prejudice to gain power. 

  • The tit-for-tat missile and drone strikes from Ukraine to Russia and Russia to Ukraine carries on, under the watchful Western miliatarist technocrats, statistical programs (maybe using Israel's notoriously accurate [sarc] AI targeting system?).  They seem to have lost the plot on their bizarro projections via attrition warfare of 200 years ago.  Yet, it must be reminded that this is very much Necon 'Cold War Part 2' warfare at it finest, of the possibility of finally defeating Russia conventionally and setting up regime change.  Never mind Proto-Fascist Trump's solution of Nuke arming everyone to create, in his, getting crazier by the minute, mind, that Peace through Strength policy is the way to go, despite the fact it has already being implemented.  Just not as extreme as Trumpism.  So, is it sustainable forever wars?  With Ukraine eager to aim/use a non-nuke missile at Moscow?  Are we all waiting for that Game Over of the hyperreal?


  • Footage showing Palestinians having their land, which has been UNESCO listed, forcibly taken by Extremist Zionist settlers, which the equivalent would be Christian evangelical/extremists in the U.S.  The same mold.  However, despite the U.S. half hearted sanctions on these fanatics, who have murdered over 100 Palestinian civilians in Towns surrounding these illegal settlements since October 7th, the Israeli government supplies them with weapons, which the West (America) in turn, arms Israel.


  • A very good report from DW on the Ukraine, Russia war of attrition that they've waged on each other, but mostly one sided via Russia's Total War strategy on Ukrainian border towns with Russia.  A quagmire, pushbutton war of the 21st Century.

  • Will the West allow Ukraine to become an offensive force, from its "right to defend itself" against Russian aggression, to be an invading army?  Following in the footsteps of the Fascist State of Israel rewriting the rules of war and revising the pre-thermonuclear warfare of the last 200 years, that a right to defend a country means total obliteration of the enemy (conventually).  Such are the Hard Right leaning technocrats and militarists of the world running statistical AI (sarc) programs, to ascertain that major wars can be managed and orchestrated without affecting oil prices, and/or that misculation of a nuke strike.  Also add, their wonky % ratio via Trump and Biden's "good" and "bad" global actors.  Of course, in theory everything works like clockwork in a chaotic world.  Does it not?   


  • As countries begin to use Total War and war of attrition to force the enemy and its civilian population into an unconditional surrender.  Where Israel is using a genocide (backed by the West) to force Hamas to surrender.  Ukraine, who has been attacking Russian oil refineries with drones, and now has invaded the Kursk region of Russia in a land grab and/or force negotiation antiqued warfare technique.  To which Russia, under Imperialist Vladimir Putin, has launched massive missile and drone attacks on Kviv and Ukraine, to utilize the said Total warfare leverage to have Ukraine negotiate (?) with Russia (unconditionally).   And since the West does not believe in diplomacy anymore, rather its has brought back Peace Through Firepower.  The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who has used U.S. supplied HIMARS missile systems to destroy Russian bridges in Kursk, would like to uses medium range missiles to attack Russian cities.  Remember the Doomsday clock is currently 90 seconds to midnight, in 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis it was Seven minutes to midnight.       


  • Israel, with its preemptive "self defense" attacks, and assassinations on Lebanese and Syrian territory, have attacked 40 Hezbollah positions in Lebanon, with Hezbollah retaliating with a large missile and drone counterattack on Israeli military installations.  Which probably set off Hezbollah's planned retaliatory attack, for their senior commander Muhammad Nimah Nasser, who was assassinated by a missile strike in early July.  Both Iran and Hezbollah have held back on their retaliatory attacks on Israel, awaiting the Gaza ceasefire outcome in Cario.  This is Israel acting like the rogue Fascist state that it is, where it can preemptively bomb and assassinate targets throughout the Middle East with a feigned impunity.  Also indicative, that Israel is not interested in a ceasefire for Gaza or peace in the region.    

  • Melbourne City, Australia.  From the Pro Palestinian /anti-genocide/fascist zionist protest poster of Israeli War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu.  Nyxi tore it apart.   
كلنا فلسطينيون, 
כולנו פלסטינים 
"We are all Palestinian" 
