Moodboard: "Omni Magazine's 'Future Almanac' " ( 1982). I'll be taking screenshots from random pages of the Almanac, and posting them as moodboards. One has to admire the over exaggeration of predictions, particularly when looking 40 years into the future from the early 1980s, at what could have been our technological advancements. Some predictions are on the money, a lot were not.

Wow!  This one is great, but way off the mark.  Awesome pharmaceutical Drugs of the 1990s and 21st Century!  We wish!  A safe intoxicant, better than alcohol!  I wrote a science fiction story many moons ago, of a pill that would remove hangovers and the toxic effects of alcohol on the liver, after a heavy drinking session.  It would subsequently balance out the high and limit the addictive elements.  Of course, it was pure fiction.  But, personally in my opinion, the current society that we are living in now, cannot handle intoxication at all and/or in any ceremonial manner.  We are too wired to the overabundance of information, fears and anxieties via the digital relay loops.  In other words, the human race has become too speedy.  We can't seem to slow down, sans a pandemic (thus, we all sped up into overdrive when it passed).  And psychedelics should be used for deeply spiritual and personal experiences, without a mobile phone or talking to some dullard on a 'conspiracy' laced podcast thereafter.  

And anti aging technology of the 2000s!  A vaccine that ends tooth decay (it's actually bacteria that causes decay)!

The Future would have been cool in 1982.  
