6397 Resort 2019 – New York (overview)

   (Images from Vogue.com All rights.  Used in promotion of the designer.)

I have a soft spot for 6397, I've reviewed a few of their collections over the years.  Not being from New York City, it is a brand that seems uniquely transfixed within its NYC demeanor.  Which is clearly identifiable in all of their collections as an expose of nostalgic romanticism that comes from the pre and post art movements, fashion styles and history.  All emanating from a city that creative director Stella Ishii resides.  Yes, there are very slight protest slogans presented on some of the pieces, which I dislike in fashion as it cheapens actual causes, but at times 6397 cleverly maintains an ambiguity within their sloganeering and word play on some of their t-shirts and prints.  Which in turn reinstates the cleverness of 6397.

As noted in my reviews of the prior 2018 fashion shows, blazers (and plaid) are the current trend leading into the 2019 fashion weeks - which is one of the most difficult, in a contemporary sense, styles to re-work and insert as an original take that is of a very conservative look.  Punk achieved this over forty years ago with its do-it-yourself styles (before leather jackets) for under $10.  So, I wish, for the newer (and there as so many) designers who will embark on this blazer trend, the best of luck.  As most, will not be able to move beyond what has already been represented and experimented within the last twenty years of reinventing stalwart styles into these so called newer looks.

For 6397 Resort 2019 collection Stella Ishii has hit hard with a feminine styled androgyny that is all about representing male inspired clothing, fitted over a female aestheticism.  It does work depending on what market/s 6397 has in mind.  As overall it exhibits a lesbian 'tomboy' resonance, plaid shirts, oversized tank tops, saggy skinny style pants, (used) sneakers, shorts with their tomboy inspired ensembles.   Also seen are the added touches of camouflage vests, hoddies and mid size trench coats.  All suited and fitted onto a model with neatly cropped hair and looks that firmly sits within the lesbian/androgynous appeal.
