Sample: Paradox of the Locus (Adrian Glass 2016)


Doesn't look like much damage, very tough and durable these inflated bridge-links. Outer shell took a hit, very minimal. Safety readouts are above ninety percent...

“Thanks Paige,”

...But I tell you, trying to get a decent readout from this ship's Central System, using Delphi as a proxy for a manual hack, only so far it will allow structural and schematic information and damage reports. Something has turned up...Best you check this out when you dock.”

“Jackson?” The Captain asks.

What Paige said, looks like something unusual has shown up in the data...I don't understand it, not my forte.

“Alright countdown is from six seconds...” Captain Griffin says as he eyes the Central System locking in the connection to the Novus Stella

“We're all good,” Terrel replies as both him and Griffin look at their monitors as the Delphi begins to lock onto the bridge link. 

“...two, one, that's it, we've docked.” Sullivan says as she monitors the pressurization between the two ships within the inflatable walkway.

Captain making my way to the airlock and transit area now, double check pressure readings.” Jacksons says.

“Ok, we'll see you soon. Sullivan how we going.”

Sullivan turns looking up at Griffin. “Snug fit and ready to receive, all pressurized. Central tracking any solar abnormalities. No threats.”


Available on Amazon as paperback and ebook. 
