A quite Universe. Elusive “advanced” Alien life

(Hubble Telescope ultra deep field)

Since the Drake equation, which was developed in 1961 by astronomer Frank Drake.  The equation it’s self holds a broad estimate of between 2 – 280 million advanced civilizations.  More so of late, with the discovery via the Kepler telescope of the varied amounts of Exoplanets, planets that revolve around a star, like our Sun.  Which has now been observed that most stars, host planets that could be defined as in residing within hospitable zones.  The so called “Goldilocks” orbits.  Of course, the problem with that assertion in regards to a planet that may reside in the ‘right’ zone for life, is that the majority of the planets discovered have not emitted mid-infrared or electromagnetic waves that may  indicate advanced life i.e giving off artificial  heat, which is the energy waste of powering an advanced civilization.  Like the Earth.  What is also disappointing is the discovery of these planets that obit stars, most are tidal locked planets, as these planets do not have a rotation like the Earth, and in most cases orbit Red Dwarfs and or larger stars/binary systems.  Which could and most likely make life impossible on these exoplanets due to high radiation.

In my 2017 book CATACLYSMAL, I discussed that advanced alien life may have left this hostile Universe.

If that is the case, we should keep looking anyway, if not for the relics of what was once an advanced alien civilization.

From Cosmos Magazine

The first comprehensive search for radio signals produced by extraterrestrial civilisations has drawn a blank. As far as signs of intelligent life go, it’s as quiet as the grave from here out to a distance of 50 parsecs – 1550 trillion kilometres – in every direction.

 …That’s the slightly dispiriting conclusion reached by a team of researchers led by astronomer Emilio Enriquez from the University of California, Berkeley, in the US, which has analysed data gathered by the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in Virginia as part of a privately funded project called the Breakthrough Listen Initiative.

…These wavelengths, like all on the electromagnetic spectrum, travel at the speed of light, but are especially attractive for interstellar communications. Galaxies naturally create enormous amounts of radio waves at lower frequencies, making it impossible for communication signals within that range to pass through without getting lost.

Higher frequencies – at least on Earth – tend to get absorbed within the atmosphere (which also emits some all by itself). The same effect would happen on inhabited alien worlds, assuming a broadly similar atmosphere.
The one-to-10 GHz range, thus, is called the Microwave Window. Signals coming from space with wavelengths within the window are automatically of interest to ET-hunters, and even more so if they display significant variation, indicating perhaps that they are encoding language or data streams rather than the uniform expression of microwave activity arising from some cosmic chemical interaction.
