Reading: "SATRAN KAEVON" (A.Glass 2017)


"One word, Globalization. As long as that political theory holds, there won't be a war within the region..." She leans forward and lifts her sparkling wine, sipping from the flute glass. She then places it down, her legs still folded. "...Most countries and their citizens may show a dislike of the term globalist world, but all want the trade. Especially Asia and China, Trillions of dollars worth of shipping moving through the South China Sea...And we go to war there? On paper...It will never happen."

Professor Miller nods. "Yes, wars are usually about trade, or lack of...A claim on trade routes and resources. But, there is oil and gas in that region. That could be a flash-point."

Ainslee, although not perturbed by the discussion with her dinner date, was hoping to avoid delving into any intellectual banter tonight, but she sees that her date is attracted to her and interested in her prolonging the conversation. She obliges.

"China needs assistance with engineering, particularly with oil exploration. Its a net importer. So, they will look to the West for the contracts. That is the negotiation point to offset any possible flash-point. Sans a military error..." With her left hand she flicks her blond hair back, allowing it to rest onto her right shoulder. "...or some General goes bonkers, China can't, or won't, reign in North Korea and that rogue state launches a missile close to the Japanese mainland..." Ainslee reaches forward, with her right hand she lifts the wine glass, sipping that last part of the golden and bubbly fluid. She then holds the glass looking at Professor Miller. "...You know I said to my friend a couple of nights back that I wouldn't talk shop with you."


Reading:  "SATRAN KAEVON" (A.Glass 2017)
