"...However, there is an overall seriousness to Michele's latest array, it does feel a lot more focused in his portraying or at least homage to the countercultures of yesteryear, that for the most part do not exist in out current timeline, sans drawing from the 70's and 80's as an inspiration.  However, Michele's urgency in duplicating those rebellious movements of the last forty years, does feel like a simulacrum of ideas, thus in turn makes the collection feel, paradoxically a lot more confined and even restrained.  

Undoubtedly, the sweet spot of that said era, which was between the Pill and AIDS, was more of a hedonistic period born out of the 1960's backlash against 1950's family values and conservatism   Living with the fear that thermalnuclear war could have broken out at any point.  The ultimate sociological question has to be asked; to what direction is our society heading in?  When it could be argued that we have indeed gone backwards, embracing the conservative values of the 1950's while trying to imprint in a feigned way, societal inclusions, to be appropriated into a digital market place.

Maybe we are all at fault in someway and god has rolled the dice to many times.  Maybe this is the end."


Full review:   https://chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/2022/09/gucci-spring-2023-milan-fashion-week.html 

(A.Glass 2022)
