Quote: "Cataclysmal" (A.Glass 2017)


“So, if an alien ship is heading towards the Earth, why aren’t we freaking out?” Katy asks, as she looks around the bar.

“Because we haven't completely understood its intention. Professor Ivane Tori, which was the reason I was in Europe, a brilliant man, now working for the US military in Italy. His equations show an embedded, unnatural configuration within Space and time, but it is not what we would deem a spaceship, in particular the Hollywood ideal. From what we know, it's an object, made up of matter...” Jansky picks up a serviette, she then takes out a pen out from her handbag. Drawing a shape, she then turns the napkin around so that her sister can see the image.

Katy looks down at the image that Jansky has drawn. “It's like a cone.”

“From its angle, in relation to a directional course. This artifact is emitting Neutrons and Neutrinos towards Earth.”

“What?” Katy replies, at the same time looking at her glass of wine that is now empty.

“Particles, similar to what is released from the sun as solar radiation, which hits the Earth every day. The Sun, our star is an erratic nuclear engine. Except this...” She points to the crude image of the Alien-Artifact. “...is pinpointing its emission at us in an intense array. The Neutrino count surpasses all know natural origins from the Galaxy.”

“Fascinating,” Katy says smiling.

“Yes, Neutrinos, also known as ghost particles, have hardly any mass, they pass through you and me as we sit here. A decayed compound of a beta plus Neutron. This object spurts these things out like a pulse. We also believe there could be an encoded message within that Neutrino undulation.”

“No wonder people aren't freaking out...too complex. Give us an alien fleet Hollywood style.” Katy replies, lifting her wine glass, as she looks around for the waiter, she then sits back with a bemused look.

Jansky turns and looks at a couple sitting near herself and Katy. The young man and woman, leaning forward are staring into each others eyes in their self adsorbed transfixation lies an obliviousness – within this point in time, they have no desire or care of external events. Their world is only each other. She then looks at her sister. “Probably good people stay uninterested for the time being. All the data from what we have gathered to date is there on the Internet, anyone can view it, so is the idea that this is could be an ETI structure. We are hoping that this up and coming conference will be the full disclosure.”

The waiter returns with the platter of Nigiri-sushi. “Freshly caught by line today, our Sushi chef is a master from Japan.”

Sounds good!” Jansky says, as the waiter places down the platter onto the table between the two women. He also fills Katy's glass with more sparkling wine. Picking up a pair of chopsticks Katy lifts a single tuna Sashimi, dipping the layered raw fish and rice into a small bowel of soy sauce. She then leans forward taking a bite.

“How big is this thing?”

“Massive...” Jansky replies also lifting up a single piece of Sushi, using her chopsticks she stuffs the whole piece into her mouth a traditional Japanese way of consuming Nigiri “...That was fucking delicious,” Jansky says smiling as both women laugh. “Ok, so...” Using a fork she picks away a small portion of the sushi rice from a single Nigiri piece, she opens her mouth, lifting up the sushi and chomps down on what remains. Jansky then carefully spreads out nine pieces of rice that remain on her plate. Placing them horizontally across the middle of the lunch plate. “...This is our solar system, obviously not to scale from left to right first is our Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune...I always disliked the term dwarf planet. But, we'll also place Pluto here at the end.”

“That makes ten,” Katy says leaning over as Jansky arranges the pieces of rice in small line representing the Solar System. “That's right! But you can argue that with my colleagues. Anyway, this plate is roughly ten inches in diameter. These small pieces representing the nine planets...” Jansky using both of her index finger's creates a rough measurement scale for the small line of rice pieces. “...Say an inch and beyond that is our outer Solar System lies the Kuiper asteroid belts. This structure, being the circumference of this plate would fill our whole Solar System at the same time taking in some of the asteroid belts.”

“Shit...that's big.”

“Our comparable models shows the diameter and size variables to be equivalent to one of the hyper giant stars such as Betelgeuse. Incredibly huge.”



(A.Glass 2017)
