Two dominate breakout strains of COVID-19 from Singapore (XBB) and Germany (BQ.1.1) could end up becoming a global pandemic.

There is what epidemiologists and virologists have referred too as a COVID soup, to which an extraordinary amount of COVID strains have mutated into various linages since the pandemic of 2020.  With governments globally calling an end to the pandemic, more so President Joe Biden declaring that the COVID pandemic has all but ended.   Restrictions and mask mandates are now being seen as a post COVID-19 reminder.  Yet, two new strains have broken out in Singapore and Germany, known as BQ.1.1 (Europe/U.S.) and XBB (Singapore/Asia), the concern is that the immunity waning from vaccinations and boosters mixed with our social complacency may actually lead to further mutations.

 And a whole set of vaccines/boosters/antivirals may need to cover several strains at once, which would mean that we are behind the curve with the overall immunization for COVID and herd immunity could be unattainable in the near term.

So ain't it over, till it's over.   Above chart show the "soup" of the two break out countries (Germany/Singapore)  with two different variants.

Refer to a very good article from
