Sunspot AR3112 is about to face Earth. Could produce an X-Class solar storm


(A 113,000 km sunspot (AR3112) with its close proximity of black cones, that can be supercharged with negative and positive polarity.   In the right circumstances can produce X-class solar storms, which, depending on the severity can knock out  our power grids, digital relays and satellites completely.   This sunspot is about to face Earth.  Refer to my article below.  Image:
"...The largest geomagnetic storm ever detected was released at the Earth, when it aligned into a direct orbital path of the CME, it took over 17 hours to reach the Earth from its initial solar flare. When it hit the Earth’s magnetosphere, it caused an environmental phenomenon called Auroras, ghostly waves of light, which were seen globally.  They were so bright,  the auroras that were witnessed turned night from the Northern and Southern hemispheres prematurely into what appeared as an eerie dawn. The 1859 solar storm, apart from creating a spectral light show through the Earth’s atmospheres, as ionized x-rays and ultraviolet radiation spread over the magnetosphere.  The magnitude of the CME knocked out, at the time, global communications – more so the telegraph and electrical systems.  As civilization was in its infancy in regards to power grids and communication networks, the effect of the Carrington Event was impacted where electrical systems were used, power lines caught fire, while telegraph operators witnessed sparks emitting from the equipment that they were using.  The damage was minimal, but the event was never-the-less a significant historic event. 

Particularly if the same solar storm was to have occurred today, when the precursor of what is known as a Solar Maximum, when sunspots, dark circular regions, begin to appear on the surface of the sun and the solar cycle begins to initiate. Which in turn means more active solar flares, that could lead to a more violent ejection from the originating sunspot that is facing directly at Earth.  The effect will not just be devastating to our satellites, power grids and digital networks, but our current way of life, with its dependency on all facets of technology..."
