New COVid strains are spreading throughout Asia and Germany. All restrictions and protocols for COVID-19 have been abandoned after Biden's "pandemic is over" remark on television. Overconfidence is a curse and we maybe about to get served another brutal reminder that the pandemic is still ongoing.

As governments around the world begin to ease all pandemic restrictions and open up their 'economies' in earnest, with President Biden foolishly declaring the COVID-19 pandemic over, which is akin to what that last President was hankering to do in lieu of his pro antivaxxer, might-is-right, COVID is mild, liberal paranoia, with low, at the time vaccination rates.  Which thankfully did not materialize.  He was voted out with all his conspiratorial mania in tow.  The all in bet now, is everything is ok with the 3 vaccination shots over a three year period (includes booster) was to have done the trick.  Never mind the waning immunity, vaccine hesitancy and mutating viral strains.  The economy first (which essentially collapsed in 2020), Social Dawin-esque extreme right wing mentality, seems to be seeping into politics across the board.

The other issue as long COVID and the plethora of neurological and cardiovascular issues that occur with spikes in reinfections, on top of that is the life expectancy of people falling dramatically due to the virus.  And of course there are the costs of having a society being hammered by a non-seasonal COVID infection every year.

The above Chart shows Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Germany.   With Singapore infections surging due to the XBB variant and Germany's declining with the BQ.1.1. variant (although still higher over the rest of Europe), Taiwan, that now requires no need for tourists to have a Rapid Antigen Test or PCR when entering the country.  In other words, completely open borders despite Taiwan's surge with a newer mutation BA. 2.3.7, which is reportedly showing up neurological complications in children.   Will the next wave via a COVID variant be the BQ 1.1. or XBB?  And will it spread from either Asia or Europe?  

Nature doesn't care about the economy, tourism and music festivals.

Best wishes.

