IS the world heading towards another end year COvid surge? BA.7 subvariant lurks.

The world is amidst a new wave of Covid-19 , all the while governments have dismantled all requirements for the once deemed "Covid Safe" policies, replaced with the "living with the virus" rhetoric, is one the most amusingly ironic and idiotic statements any official could say.  When Australia's winter (Southern Hemisphere) Covid wave was brutal and confusion on what would be sufficient dose (3+ vaccination should do the trick) and the U.S. setting up the yearly bivalent dose in lieu with Winter influenza shots.  Except Covid isn't the flu and is a non seasonal virus that is good at evading immunity via low dose vaccinations. It is still a bet that the bivalent will slow transmission and people will actually get the shot. So, you don't living with the virus, the virus lives with you more specifically inside you and yes, it could end up killing you.  If you good with that, so be it?  Just don't fill up the hospitals on any Covid surge. Which usually happens and is about to happen again throughout the Northern Hemisphere Autumn/Winter.

Above chart shows the spikes before the Northern Hemisphere Winter (holiday period).  With Germany leading the charge.  And a new sub variant about to hit BA.7.

We shall see if the pandemic is truly over.
