" ...This could be, in its simplistically, an answer to the mystery of the Pyramids, with newer detection equipment being used to look inside these massive tombs, more so an ability to understand the scale of its engineering, particularly the Great Pyramid of Giza, using sophisticated muon particle detectors. Physicists have detected a massive void in its center.  An elongated reinforced area, above its foundations.  Theorized to be part of its construction, maybe to assist in maintaining the integrity of the structure.  The so called Void itself has no open corridors or any doorway to access it, yet it is not a 'chamber' or 'tomb'.  So, if the architectural blueprints of The Great Pyramid of Giza was built as a beacon of human ingenuity it was designed maybe intentionally, over four thousand years ago, for us now, in this present to be marveled at its enduring longevity from a society that has since perished.  Could the Pyramid, by its design, be a representation of death?  To which it maintains significantly, in its visual medium, to be an entombed structure.  Created architecturally as a everlasting projection, that could entail its tomb like presence to encompass of all of humanity.   An archaeological resonation of futures past.  A point of reference for another civilization within the Universe, who finally answered our call of whether we are, as intelligent life, alone in the vast cosmos.  Arriving on this tiny planet called Earth, only to be discovered that we have long become extinct. What is left, are these cenotaphs of doom.

I ask this question in its speculative idealism of design, not as some metaphysical possibility of the pyramidal shape – but as a possible doomsday reflection, because at the height of the Cold War, when the the world did indeed stand at the brink of Mutually Assured Destruction via nuclear weapons.  A pyramid structure was built as a key note to human extinction.  In 1970, construction began on a desolate part of North Dakota in lieu of the infamous SAFEGUARD deterrent antimissile system, a costly project, that in theory, would detect and launch nuclear missiles at an incoming Russian Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) threat against America.  By 1974 this complex was finished and was finally unveiled on the barren plans of North Dakota was almost surreal in its entirety; a reinforced radar station encased in a pyramid shell, a brutalist inspired projection of concrete and steel, set within an array of 46 separate silos, housing nuclear missiles...

