Do you want a $6.00 (U.S.) cup of coffee with your 'recession' or stagflation? (part 4)

(Chart 1)

(Chart 2)

Since Central Banks are hellbent on slashing rates, with 2022 inflation seemingly abating, sans core inflation which is stuck.  The latest Australian CPI figures is one of the most amusing to date, that it was government stimulus ala electricity bill rebates that have caused inflation to fall close to the Reserve Bank of Australia inflation target.  Yes, stimulus is now an inflation killer.  Who would've thought. Yes, sarcasm is very due.

The above charts (1, 2) show the 13 year high/s of the coffee price, that indicate one thing.  Climate Change will be affecting your income more than not, and of course prices/costs for everything.  And not just coffee.  Central Banks, unfortunately may be failing to address, or are now becoming more and more driven by politics these days, to factor in that Climate Change is the real deal.  With no recession on the horizon, the days of deflation are all but history.  

I agree with JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon's assertion that stagflation is the most likely economic outcome.  
