Excerpt: Courrèges. Spring 2025 - Paris Fashion Week


"...Courrèges, like so many fashion brands of the 20th Century are in name only.  And his legacy as a innovative fashion designer of the last Five decades to this day appears to be understated and mostly forgotten, yet the brand Courrèges was reinvented by its conglomerative interests in 2015, which has churned through creative directors like no tomorrow, until the young Belgium designer Nicolas Di Felice took charge, with what could be considered a sacrilege to the André Courrèges's modernist obsession, by inserting a postmodernist and Avant-garde touch to those iconic 1960s Futurist stylisations.  And for the most part, it has paid off, since Di Felice took the reins of Courrèges in 2021. 

Having written many reviews of  Di Felice's take on Courrèges I have been impressed with his fusing of Avant-garde with the modernist imprint, while incorporating his interests in science fiction.  Mostly allowing the practicality of the looks to be a source of inspiration, rather than a spectacle.  And Di Felice Spring 2025 collection, held, once again, at the Carreau Du Temple in Paris for Fashion Week clearly represents Di Felice's skills.  Aligning the mathematical with the imagination, science with its fiction, all within Di Felice post Utopian world, that has merged with the Dystopian.  Or, as I have coined in 2021 in an article I wrote, titled "Omnitopia", that embraces both a societal progress and decline, an acceptance of the collapse of society and an attempt to rebuild.  Which didn't occur after the 2020 pandemic, instead prefabrication and overconfidence went into overdrive..."


Full review:  chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/2024/09/courreges-spring-2025-paris-fashion-week.html

(A.Glass 2024)
