Excerpt: R13 - Spring 2025

"...Rock historians may argue what country Punk originated from, and who could be deemed the instigator of 'Punk' fashion.  But, one cannot deny the impact the late U.K. fashion designer Vivienne Westwood had on Punk styles throughout the late 70s onto the 80s.  When tartan and safety pins were first seen on the catwalk of Paris Fashion Weeks, at the heyday of Westwood's tenure.

And while we all await for the next counter culture (are we?) which has yet to materialize, sans the simulacrums of past inspiration, there is probably nothing wrong from opening up the pages of history to study what actually did work in those brief moments in time.  With Two decades of 1950s esque middle class suburbia ala mortgages and Netflix (it used to be DVD players), we are long overdue for something to change.  As our society is swinging precariously towards the far right of politics, just look at Europe.  So, this illusive counter culture better get into gear, for now we just have to wait and see.  Why not do this, while dressing for the part?  And Leba's R13 may offer that attire for romanticizing, our once beloved rebellious aesthetic..."


Full review: chiasmusmagazine.blogspot.com/2024/09/r13-spring-2025.html

(A.Glass 2024)
